NEW TALENT FILMS (Bioscoop Het Ketelhuis)
Het Ketelhuis, Amsterdam |
Thursday 15 June |
Every year a special section of the Cineblend Festival is devoted to studentfilms, open to all courses of Visual Anthropology and Documentary Filmmaking. In this section three student films were selected. Including aftertalk moderated by professor Mattijs van de Poort (UVA) with the directors.
Across Gender
‘Across Gender’ is an ethnographic film about trans people in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The film follows LGBT-activists, drag performers, and students of an Islamic school for transwomen. Their stories are documented against the backdrop of anti-LGBT sentiments and actions in early 2016 and challenge stereotypes about trans people.
Anouk Houtman (Netherlands)
Indonesia | 2016 | 24 min
Bahasa Indonesia spoken, English subtitled

Anouk Houtman is a Dutch anthropologist and filmmaker. With ‘Across Gender’ she graduated in visual anthropology at Leiden University. She is currently pursuing a second MA in Gender Studies.
The Feel of History
Each year a historical society re-enacts one of the last battles against the Dutch colonizers that took place in 1949 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Following their preparations, this film shows how the re-enactors create a romanticized representation of the past that allows them to temporarily be the war heroes they admire so much.
Lise Zurné (Netherlands)
Indonesia | 2017 | 33 min
Bahasa Indonesia spoken, English subtitled

With ‘The Feel of History’, Lise Zurné graduated in Visual Anthropology. Currently, she organizes a monthly film screening series called Framing Asia and she is also involved in a project that aims to enhance the cultural diversity at the Dutch Filmacademy.
Framing Home
Twenty years after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, filmmaker Ivana Barišić engages in a conversation with her contemporaries about the destruction of their homeland and the aftermath of this war. Following second-generation Bosnian-Dutch immigrants, this film gives an insight into the ways this generation deals with the loss and reconstruction of home and invites us to examine the long-lasting legacies of migration.
Ivana Barišić (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Netherlands)
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Netherlands | 2017 | 27 min
Bosnian, Dutch spoken, English subtitled

Ivana Barišić was born 8 months before the Yugoslav wars reached her hometown of Bugojno, Bosnia. With her family she fled to Rotterdam, where she has been living ever since. ‘Framing Home’ (2017) is her first documentary film which was part of her MA in Visual Anthropology at Leiden University.